Tuesday, February 22, 2011

In His Time

When I was sixteen I was driving down to church in the “purple-urple” (the purple minivan I drove throughout High school.). I was the solitary ruler of the freeway, except for one landscaping truck driving very slowly to the right of me. I was about to pass Him when I felt like the Lord told me to get behind Him. This seems like a small request, but for someone with a slight (and by slight I mean Huge) impatience problem, it was anything but small. But I slowed down, pulled over, left the open road in front of me, to drive behind this truck that apparently thought we were driving through a residential area. 

As soon as I pulled over, and I mean as soon as I pulled over, the truck exploded. Not with fire, no this is phoenix not Hollywood, but a lid must have fallen off something because I was suddenly in the middle of a tinker-tape parade. He must have trimmed the hedges of all the bougainvillea in Phoenix because I was caught in a blizzard of flowers, I felt like I just won the super bowl. It was beautiful. It lasted the next mile or so and stopped just as I veered right to get off the freeway.

That incident, however small, left a big imprint on my heart.
I learned I could follow the Lord’s lead. I remembered it as I boarded a plane to South Africa leaving my soon to be husband behind, and as I landed in Belize after saying goodbye to my family and hello to the unknown for a year. I remembered it as I said, “I do” at the age of 19, and after I held my first little girl at just 21. I remembered that God changes our plans but we can always trust Him.

I only tell you this simple story from my youth because the Lord reminded me of it the other day. Dave and I were driving the car over to my grandparents so they could borrow it. I was driving behind dave and the girls, thinking about Bella and life and Bella. There were open lanes to my right but I just stayed behind the van, waving to the girls at every stoplight.

I realized my expectations for life are not what God has for my life. I created an idea in my head of what I wanted and expected that the Lord would work around it because he loves me.

But He changed my course, because He loves me more than I can imagine.

So I’m thanking God today. Although I can’t bear to look at the future of hip surgeries, shunt revisions and catheters, I can get behind Him and walk, knowing that in His time He makes all things beautiful.

Monday, February 07, 2011

At the hearing of the news of Bella my heart stopped, then I stopped breathing, I couldn't see, or hear, I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. The room was dark, the doctors and nurses stood completely still, no one said a word. I looked at Dave, his head was held up only by his hands, how much bad news can someone endure?

I remember crying out to the Lord and asking Him to heal my little girl. He didn't. Not yet.

I wore myself out, beating myself up. I felt like a failure.

My friends and family were having kids of their own. Perfect, healthy babies that they would one day watch run around the park and dance around the house. I smiled, I was happy, really I was, but so grieved that my little girl would miss out on so much.

After Bella was delivered I held her for a brief moment before they took her by ambulance to the Children's Hospital where she would undergo a surgery to repair her back. For the next few days I would not hold her again.

She was beautiful.

About four days after her surgery I was able to hold her again. I remember feeling my heart beat again, I could finally breathe, see and hear. Once again life entered my body. Hope too.

I knew from that moment on that my life would be so different from those around me. I would have to work so hard to make this little girl feel beautiful and valuable. But I was up for the challenge.

Sorry to be such a downer.... after reading that you deserve a little pick me up....

yeah she's pretty much awesome! We did have a rough start, and a rough and seemingly endless road ahead, but right now, today, we are doing just fine...